Hello, I'm Justin. I am a
I am a frontend developer with a passion for creating intuitive and visually appealing user experiences.
Some things I've built
Content Scheduler
Content scheduler is a SaaS application that empowers users to easily design and schedule updates for their website. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive design, it is a great choice for small businesses looking to streamline their website management process. Content Scheduler is available on the Wix App Market for easy access and integration with Wix websites.

Ocean Apps Website
The official website for Ocean Apps, a software development company.
React Font Picker
An accessible, easy-to-use font picker that uses Google Fonts and includes previews.
Coast Connect Website
A website for a local non-profit.
About Me

Hello! I'm Justin, a Frontend Developer with a penchant for all things web. I began my journey in 2020, when I broke free from the shackles of IT and embarked on a new adventure in web development. It's been a wild ride, but also an incredibly rewarding one.
I have a background developing SaaS applications. I designed and developed an application for a small company called Ocean Apps. It's geared towards small businesses to help them streamline their website update process. It's built for the Wix platform and gives Wix users the ability to design and schedule content changes on their website. It's currently listed in the Wix App Market and has been showing continuous growth.
Now, I'm looking to join a team and take my skills to the next level. I'm interested in opportunities that will challenge me and allow me to grow as a professional. If you've got an opening and think I might be a good fit, don't hesitate to get in touch!